I own Tata Indigo Manza, which we bought on 1st March 2011. It had dickie lock problem which we get repaired on 1st service visit. It has dashboard vibration noise that appears in between and vanishes without any known reason.
It developed snag in sound indicator for belt within 1st month. Dealer said since the part in covered with in warranty, we shall replace it free of cost for you. But the part is yet to come, I have been following up since more than a month.
Worst experience is as follows:
It was hit on backside 03.06.2011.
We have given it for repair to Sanya Motors, Aurangabad on 04.06.2011. Its been over 8 days now and the dealer is not even able to give us date by when he will give us the vehicle back.
It seems that they are not able to get confirmed schedule when the company will deliver the spares required for repairs. It is simply ridiculous to deal with such kind of dealers and company who dont care for their customers after selling their vehicle. It is left to the individuals fate about what kind of experience they will get during their lifetime of ownership.