Horrible. Drove for less than 10000 Kms. but Radiator assembly, Steering rack and pinion replaced. Still noise from suspension is coming for which the dealers are struggling to find the solution and company is pleasantly sleeping over it.
There is a hot pipe inside the cabin under the front panel which is uncovered. The dealer says it is a standard feature. ( Wonder how these cars get CMVR approval). Car shock absorbers bottom when the tyre hits the bump and entire front panel shakes...
Overall a horror. First and last time bought a TATA car and advise all not to buy it until you have lot of time to waste at the service stations.
Already rust has appeared on the bonnet supporting bar which again is normal, as per the dealers. In fact, I met one gentleman during one of my frequent visits to the service station where he showed me his car ( 15 k kms.) full of rust. I am preparing myself for that horror also....