I am Dr Chopra from New Delhi and owner of Tata Manza ABS, Registration no DL
3CBN 1099, Chassis no MAT613034AL730466, Engine no 101A2000-0111551, baught in
December end 2010.
I had visited Sanya motors, Maya Puri, New Delhi in 1st week of December and taken the Quotation for this car. After the loan was sanctioned by the bank and DD was ready, when I went to Sanya motors, I came to know, that, their dealership license was cancelled long back, and I was kept in the dark by the dealership regarding this. I held the DD with me for almost 10 days, and, was personally in touch with Mr Sanjay Thukral, only then could I get the delivery of the car, and, that too, billed by Rama motors. Strange that a customer was made to hold the DD for so many days and only after my pushing them I could get the delivery of the car. Where as in the mean time I used to get 2-3 telephone calls from Maruti and Hyundai sales people on daily basis.
And then I came to know that 3 dealerships are cancelled in Delhi. I am worried now how far I will have to drive to get my car serviced or when my car needs some help. Sanya motors is appx half a kilometer from my residence and that wasone of the plus points in taking a decision to buy a TATA car. May be if I had known abt dealership cancellations, I would have cancelled buying a TATA car.
Appx 1 month has passed after buying the car and I am yet to recieve Original Proforma Invoice of the car
Other Deficiences / Suggestions of / for this model:
1 During the test drive I was promised that driver side window glass has Express Down which after Delivery I fond it is not so. A car worth Rs 7.5 lac should have not only express down butExpress Up also on the driver side. This is duping the client with wrong information. Poor traing of the sales person and unethical talk. My 3 yrs old Maruti Zen Estillo has driver side Express Down. If u can, pls do these reqd changes in my car and give both Express Down and Express Up on the driver side and Express down on the co pessenger side.
2 When I took the delivery of the car in last week of December 2010, I realized that the car was already driven for 270 kms. This means many a test drives had been given on this car. Maruti Zen Estilo was driven only for 2 kms appx when it was delivered to me. They have separate cars for test drives. May be u need to
do something about it too. 3 There are two wipers on the front glass. The rubber blade of the smaller wiper was already cut at the time of delivery. Kindly have it replaced.
4 The plastic frame of the rear side view mirror, which fits in the chassis, of the left side, came in the hand while adjusting the mirror, and the corrigated rubber cap, which is there on the rear side view adjuster knob was and still is out of its place. Poor quality of material used and ill fitting attachment. Please see what u can do for this.
5 The horn of the car does not buzz till the car key is in the ignition position. Horn is far more used in India than any other western countryI find this very ill fitting in Indian environment. This may be a standard in Western countries, I dont know, but in India a horn must speak without a key. If some other vehical is about to hit your static car, one may not have the time to pull out the key, put it in its place and then blow the horn. Unthoughtful
Electrical engineering according to Indian circumstances. Pls make the horn work directly with the battery without need of car key.
6 I have been unable to find aVibration Sensor / Shock Sensor for the car despite having tried with all your dealerships in Delhi, they have no idea what I was talking to them about. I talked to Minda guys also but they also have no clue what to do. I have key less entry remote in the Manzaa. Can u pls arrange for such a vibration / shock sensor so that if any body fiddles with car the siren blows. I, of coarse, shall make a payment for this. Every maruti sales showroom has this as a standard accessory available and installs it in the car in less than 15 mins. My Zen Estillo has this sensor installed. Pls do the needful.
7 The key less entry remote is also interesting. If the open the car button of the remote is pressed, and the door locks open, they should automatically get locked, again, if no door is opened for say 30 / 40 / 60 seconds as time out. This is to make the car safe against accidental pressing of the door open button of the remote. At present, the doors do not get locked automatically. My maruti Zen Estilo remote has this feature and is quite an insurance against accidental pressing of the door open button. Pls see if any thing can be done abt it. It requires only minor changes in the software of the remote locking system.
8 Another point regarding central locking. Even if one of the doors is open, the central locking gets actvated and indicator lights blink, which should never be so. This gives a false impression to the owner that all the doors are
secured, where as they are not. If any door is open how can the locking work, and, the central locking should not get activated. This is a safeguard to inform that the door is open. Pls rectify this also.
9 Appx 10 days after delivery of the car sombody from TATA motors customer feed back had called my mobile 9811034121, and was asking petty questions from the questionair that he had, like, whether the car had garland etc or not. I told him the truth and also other things which I have mentioned in this mail, and he had said that some higher up authorty frm TATA will call you and sort out the problems. Nothing of the sort has happened till now. He also asked how much diesel was there in the car? I can not remeber these things after 10 days of
delivery of the car. There should be aCustomer feed back form duly filled and signed by the customer which every dealer must send back to TATA Motors for every sale. The form must have ODO meter reading as one of the points apart from other things. Sanya Motor did hand over a Rs 60- Rs 80 worth of chocolates box after buying a car worth Rs 7.5 lacs. If this how it is to be done, better do not do it. DD motors, Mayapuri, a Maruti dealer handed over Haldi Ram sweets worth Rs 250/ at the time of delivering Zen Estilo 3 yrs back. I do not expect any unasked for gifts after buying a car, but if something is to be given, it should complement the stature of both the parties involved.
What I wish to convey by this mail is, that, I have, till now, not had such
a bad experience while buying a car or there after. Maruti changed the wiring of
My Zen Estilo, free of cost, because of a problem that came in the Horn blowing even after 2.5 yrs of buying a car and the car didnt have any extended warrenty on it.
I have been a customer of Maruti for the last 15 yrs and have owned Cielo also in the past. The customer satisfaction and work cultre at Maruti and customer satisfaction and work culture at TATA Motors are poles apart and probably as different as Horticulture and Agriculture.
I sincerely hope you will take this criticism positively and do the needful in my car as well as locate the deficiencies in your systems. Looking forward to hearing from some body at TATA Motors and hoping what I need for the car shall be done immediately. And also hope that this criticism shall not jeopardise my rights as a customer at the time of after sales service or otherwise.
Dr Chopra