I finally sold this s---t piece. Below is the e-mail I wrote to Tata when I reiceved reply to my e-mail which I wrote to Tata after selling my car.
E-mai l wroteWith all your unmatched "support" all these days, I have now finally sold my car off, incurring huge losses – I dont know whether it can truly be called a "car" or not. You might need to go back and check the impression that dealers and individuals have about your product(s) in the automobile market. I realized this while I was trying to dispose this.
At least now, learn how to make a "100% perfect, ""dependable" car in all aspects from leaders like Hyundai, Toyota, Honda or even from Maruti. Ask me for ideas/feedback if your folks are incapable.
Thanks for all your "support." Though the mistake was at least rectified after the struggle and mental agony of 6-7 months, it was too late, and again there is no guarantee that it will not recur because its a Tata product, which always has a tendency to end up in service station for one or the other reason.
I truly, whole-heartedly appreciate the support given by Concorde folks, however; what can they do if the product itself is "deficient."
Food for thought = Manufacturing a perfect car is not similar to manufacturing a truck or a cab by putting 4-6 wheels under a chassis. you should limit yousrelf to your area of expertise (manufacturing trucks)
addendum = ONLY God will know the pilght of Jaguar and Landrover. May Gold help them. Please at least do not screw them the way you guys did with Fiat. Though its a good car, its struggling because of you guys.
Reply from Tata:
Dear Mr. Basant,
Refers to your mail dated 26.03.08 to us, with regard to sale of your car, and feedback.
Despite best efforts by our team to clarify & resolve your concerns, it is quite unfortunate for us to note the sale of your car. However we thank you for your time & mailing us your feedback.
We always value customer feedback, which we are sure will help us in further refining our products & services and in meeting the ever-changing customer needs.
Reply from me for this e-mail:
Dear Mr. Thirumal, Thanks for your reply. I am not sure whether you remember me and about my lithany fo complaints addressed to you earlier. In fact, you were THE FIRST person I eslcated by problems to in the form of an e-mail when Corcorde was not able to fix the things (I can forward you that e-mail if need be), but I never got a response from you and then I had to directly write to Mumbai support to which I got a response at least. You have made a statement below saying your team has put best efforts; now, let me ask you this. 1. Have you ever bothered to give me a call or to send an e mail to take a direct feedback from me as to what I feel about the performance despite this matter being escalated to you directly?? 2. When you say your team has done everything, have you ever measured or quantified the so-called efforts put in by your team? What efforts you or I put in is not what matters but the results or resolution of problem is rather, where you guys miserably failed.
First thing to learn here is if a customer says there is a problem, THERE IS A PROBLEM, and you guys should acknowledge the problem rather than being defensive. Mr. Shaji never did this. He happily said the car is perfectly fine, but it hardly moved with a fair pickup. ONLY when the complete ECU was repalced (as suggested by me after no other go after 8 months of fight), things became okay, but it was too late and again not sure for how many days. Please understand that I am not a fool or a billionnaire to dispose a car at sucha throwaway price. (bought - 703000/- ---- Sold. 500000/- after 8-8 months of use (9000 kms) Its ONLY because of lack of time and energy that I could not go to consumer court. Please go to thier website and see what it says about Tata Motors in terms of complaints received. Lastly, I would still vouch for Concorde Motors because I am convinced (thought not greatly) taht they have done their best but could not help becuse the product itself was deficient. Final output: I dont have a car now, nor will I be able to buy a new car with the amount of money I received after selling this.