I want to inform you about an experience while getting my TATA INDIGO MANZA Car getting serviced (2nd free service after 6 months of purchase) at SANYA MOTORS Workshop at Mayapuri, New Delhi. My vehicle number is DL3CBK-0609 and it was purchased form Defence Colony Showroom of SANYA MOTORS, New Delhi. This is the worst experience, I had with servicing of vehicle in India as well as abroad.
I had booked for servicing at 09:30 Hrs on 03.10.2010. First of all let me tell you that this so-called advance booking for service is only a ritual and eyewash, as we have to queue up in the workshop irrespective of the fact as to whether we have booked in advance or not. Most surprising, everybody booking in advance is given same time of 09:30 Hrs. So we reach your workshop and wait in long queue for out turn. WHAT A WINDERFUL *WAY OF ADVANCE BOOKING!!!!
In last servicing, I had raised this issue but as seems to be the policy of your firm/agencies, give some assurances on phone and then never act on it. Leaving aside this ordeal, I had specifically asked the concerned staff as to whether the workshop will be open on 03.10.2010, as there was holiday due to commonwealth games opening. I was informed that it will be open.
On 03.10.2010 also, at 08:45 Hrs, I again checked up from the Helpline number of SANYA MOTORS, and I was assured that the workshop will open. But on reaching the workshop, we were informed that it will not open today. I spoke to a person by name Mr. Dixit (I was told that he is a senior official of the said agency) and he had only some lame excuses. I informed that coming to your workshop costs us very valuable time and money as well. He assured me that, to mitigate this, he will send driver to pick up and send back the car from my residence.
On 05.10.2010, I called the Mayapuri showroom of SANYA MOTORS and booked for servicing on 08.10.2010, clearly informing about Mr. Dixit’s assurance to send the driver for picking up and dropping the vehicle.
I was informed that I will get a confirmatory call one day in advance. But, as usual, this never happened. On 08.10.2010, when I contacted your staff at Mayapuri showroom, on 09:30 am, as usual again they informed that they will call me back and this also never happened. Finally, I arranged for a driver paying heavily and sent the vehicle for servicing. They took the vehicle but could not give time for returning it back and instead informed that they will call me back by 04:00 or 05:00 pm. But, this never happened, as seems to be the policy of your agencies. When I called them at about 05:30 Hrs, like a parrot they again said they will call mew back and true to their character this call never came.
Finally again I arranged for a driver and sent to Mayapuri for bringing the vehicle back. This is the way you treat your customers and also shows the standard of service you provide.*
To top it all, I have been watching for the last 2 services that the issue/problems informed at the time of giving vehicle for servicing are never looked into or resolved. Your mechanics are dumb and deaf fellows knowing nothing about your vehicles. The vehicle is just washed and given back. If you ant, I can give proof of it, just see the service sheets and anybody will know this. This is worst kind of service I had heard/witnessed in India as well as abroad. In fact, my experience abroad has been that even road side small workshops carry out better servicing than your authorised service agencies**.
In fact, now I an regretting my decision of having purchased a TATA vehicle at first instance and that too from a wretched agency like SANYA MOTORS. I should tell all my contacts and all other people possible never to do this mistake. You are the people who bring bad name to this country and all its people, who are not like the incompetent/inefficient/insensitive staff of your agencies. All the feedback forms etc. which you collect are just an eyewash and never get looked into and acted upon.
R. K. Shekhawat*