VST Motors located at Mount Road, chennai is totally a waste. They dont know what is customtakeouter Satisfaction and Service.
Main thing is they dont do planning. Just like that they are working and even they dont realize what is going to happen.
I just hate this kind of customtakeouter service while booking a new Car with 6+ Lakhs price.
My opinion is to go with Concorde / Tafe Reach.
Dont be a bad victim like me!
We booked Tata Indica Vista(Aura with ABS) model @ VST Motors, Mount Road, Chennai branch on 20-July-2011.
Offers which were offered to me are as follows.
Mud pad
Floor mat
Car body cover
Free Insurance(applicable for the month of July 2011)
Corporate discount of Rs.6, 500(applicable for the month of July 2011)
Also, I chose the color "After Glow".
Right from booking, we didnt receive any updates regarding Loan processing(as they have tie-up with SBI Bank) and also regarding Transit status at later point of time.
One more thing is right from 22-July-2011, they keep on telling me that car is in Transit and will reach soon(No date given).
My loan processing ended on 27-July-2011 and I settled the full amount and got the Commitment sheet(I got this only after I keep on asking them) for delivery on 15-Aug-2011 and the full amount settlement confirmation.
On 29-Jul-2011(Friday), I again called them to know the Transit status. This time I got a surprise. They told me "Sir, we thought of calling you as the production of AURA with ABS model is stopped in factory and also the color you had chosen is not available in the current upgraded model. So you need to choose some other color".
I went to their showroom on 30-Jul-2011 morning and I got introduced to 1 new person(who is the Team Leader). He explained me that the model is stopped as Tata is rebuilding it with some new features as a competitor of Maruti swift. Then I chose a new color "Spice Red" and at that time also, I was not informed about any price hike. They gave me another signed Commitment sheet(this time also as I asked) with a new delivery date of 20-Aug-2011 and the full amount settlement confirmation.
( Immediately on the same day I went to 1 more showroom and enquired about the price of that new model. They genuinely told me that "Sir, the price may get increased and hence we stopped taking order for that model till clarity is arrived". This kind of thinking and decision making is failing w.r.to VST motors. Instead, they just got the full loan amount from me.)
Another thing is, I came to know about the new features only after 12 days ie., on 11-Aug-2011 and even for this, I had done so many number of calls to the Team Leader person.
Also, being my car to be delivered on 20-Aug-2011, the person(who took my order) called me for the first time(Please note its 27 days after order booking) and told me to pay the extra amount for the newly added features and then only they will proceed for Registration. Please make note of such a worst behaviour of VST people to inform such things to a customtakeouter only at a checkpoint.
Right from this time, I kept on following-up with that Team Leader person and they use to say that "Sir, there is no problem with your end. I had just written a mail to my GM and he had intern forwarded to tata motors and we are waiting for their reply".
During this time, I was asked to visit their showroom and I went there on 18-Aug-2011 at 1 PM and actually they called me to sign the Form 20 which is needed to be signed by us before Car Registration. But they simply at showroom that they will do Registration only after we pay the amount.
They asked me to pay Rs.20, 000+ for which I asked for the split-up. They gave me 1 strange split-up which clearly showed how they screw up things.
They were not able to raise invoice for the new Vista Refresh II in the month of July 2011. So they raised it in Aug 2011 and hence the free insurance offer is gone. Also, the cash discount of Rs.10, 000 is only applicable for me.
For Aug 2011, the corporate discount comes to only Rs.5, 000 Instead of Rs.6, 500 in the last month.
Rs.13, 744 is the increase in price for Vista Refresh II with new features added.
So, I was asked to pay the entire amount, which you can even think is Foolish.
Then finally today(22-Aug-2011), they luckily got reply from the Regional Manager(Tata motors) that they are ready to give-up the difference in the Insurance+ Corporate discount. So, I was asked to pay Rs.13, 744 and I did it.
I would like to post some comments.
VST motors doesnt have any proper planning and they not even given me any intimation about the Price hike. If they had given me, I would have taken some decision.
Given me written commitment about the offers and not giving it at the time of Registration is mere cheating.
Also, the person who took the order not even called me for past 27 days from the day of booking the car. He called me after 27 days only to ask me to pay the money.
They dont know what is customtakeouter satisfaction / service.
Being I have 2 tata car dealers near my Home, I had chosen this dealer only that many of my relatives & friends recommended. Now, do you think I need to recommend VST for anyone else?
Finally I was forced to pay the amount, anyway, I did it for my Car. But who will compensate for the Frustrations / Troubles we had during this past 1 Month?