I have a nano top end model and the car seemed adequate. Sad part is, the cars engine is a souped up chetak engine so it makes a terrible rattling noise like autoriksha.
However, its the best car for the suffering Indian masses who cannot afford to buy a car or autoricksha. In fact, riding the nano feels like riding in a 4-wheeled chethak scooter. I have driven it till tirupati and it broke down only twice, once near puttur and once while climbing tirumala hill.
Suspension is also very tight and gives u a twisted backside. Buy it only if your too poor to afford any other decent vehicle.
SUMMARY: The Tata Nano has only 3 minor problems- Engine is horrible, Suspension is pathetic, and brakes are even worst than tractor brakes. Apart from these, Nano is the best car in all other aspects, the power window gives you only very mild shock.
Some people who have Nano dealership are trying to portray Nano as the best car, but its the WORST car.
Nowadays, i am getting very scared because 30 nanos have already caught fire. I have already decided to sell my nano and buy a better car. If anybody has almost been roasted alive in the nano, please let everybody know to save their lives.