I get the fact about tata Nani that it is a very economic and budget car and is supposed to be basic at such price but there are some facts that even thought its a economical car it doesnt suit for a middle class person. It may be good but it is not something that anyone should consider unless you have a very less income.
This car is not very good in built and the design is also not attractive. At 1 lack you dont get much features and its just a box with engine and 4 wheels and a transport to your small family.
The car makes a lot of sounds and not a very good performer in inclined plains neither it does very good at highways and its average is around 20 and company claims to have at least of 25.
The seats are not very comfortable and adding 4th person just makes the ride more uncomfortable and more tight.
The car structure is also not very string and in case of accident its like sitting in a crushed soda can.
The ride quality is not very good and you feel very much of bumps etc while riding due to small tyres and ok suspension system.
You may get the option of ac in newer tata nano at 2.30 lacs but you have to go that kuch further its better buy a more bug spacious car at 3.30 lacs as at that price a little more is always good.
Thus car is just for a low income person who cannot afford a car for his family but going up in the class its not a good option at all.