I write this review against Car lover 2010s reviewWell Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me share my experiences with Nano. I shall not bother much about technical details but looks and utility of the car from Tata Stable.
Let me assure you that we drove the car from Hyderabad to Warrangal on a sunday on non-crowded roads (up and down) doing about 200 plus Kms. I shall not go into the technicals. but would limit to simple fundas.
Observation -1
Driving the car is good. The steering is comfortable and light. However, the stability on road is not great. If a truck overtakes you or passes from the opposite side, my God, the car just shivers (not shakes) in the backlash of the air discharged by other vehicle.
True, This could be due to air scoops given on sides to cool the engine. I think tatas have patent for this. There is anomaly for this that if any one has experience in driving chetak – scooter, which has fan for engine cooling. Even chetak or nano when moving on a bridge (nearer to side railings) gives humming sound. This is a technical point, one has to understand. I think this need not be considered as negative.
The wheels are small. If there are oversized speed breakers in the road, you have to necessarily slow down. Even driving in decent speed in pot holed roads, the streering shudder in your hands. Not a great grip on the road.
May be correct. But steering is not vague. Shuddering you mean only happens on a holed/dirty road. Be happy if steering is that way, this indicates good alignment.
The AC is good only if kept at point 1 or point 2. Any higher points you only get blast of hot air. Please also try to take external air. Because of the heat generated from the back, a sort of stale smell comes inside the cabin if you operate AC for a longer time in recirculation mode.
I have been driving Nano for long trips. Engine heat from rear is not entering into cabin at all. I tried pushing fingers into the gaps of rear seats, only then I feel the heat. This is my first car, but I traveled long hour in other cars. This AC is good and comparable. I keep AC blower at point 1 or 2 only. I did not need further even summer.
Engine noice deepens once AC is switched on. There is also a drag on the engine once AC is on. Also, back seat sitting is not comfortable in Nano. This creates an irritating hum for long drives and gets you a migrain.
There are 2 or may be 3 points in your above observation.
I find, AC has no bearing on engine. No doubt in that.Back seat design is like an express bus seat. Comfort here depends on person to person. You need to only compare with other entry level car M800. For a person height more than 5.5’, rear seat in M800 for long drive is nightmare. May not be so for Nano.The sound or irritating hum is not due to rear seats. This hum, I think is typical for tata vehicles right from RTC buses to trucks to cars. Tats need to work on these acoustics.
Observation -5
The interior and most of the exterior is of plastic and not of great quality. It gets a worn out old look very soon. To cover this service station guys apply a coat of oil on the top of them. This only attracts dust in a high way.
Pl. read Shiv shankars review…… Only compare to other entry level car. Finally more money more is the comfort.
Breaking is too rapid and breaking in high acceleration gives a frightening experience.
Could be true. I could not stop car from 90 kmph, on seeing buffalos and met with bonnet damage. The car is fantastic below 70 kmph for everything including braking, fuel etc. In fact, green band on speedo is 50 - 70
Rickety sounds comes across the vehicle while driving even on a normal road. I also got a feed back from my friend(who is the owner) that you get a step motherly treatment in Service sation, whether it is Concord or Mallick
Sounds may not be true. My observation as such is that tata service is very poor.
We tanked up the car while starting from Hyderabad and saw the fuel guage dropping alarmingly fast in the midway forcing you to go for refills.
The recommendation is to stop filling tank when the gun auto senses. I always filled up to mouthful. Then, to drop fuel gauge one point is more than 120 km run. Further each bar dropping depends on km you cover. Speedy dropping of bars was experienced only once, could be due to some air lock in tank while filling. Car gives good mileage. Keep driving below 70kmph, consuptn may be upto 25kmpl.
Gear shifting is not great. In low gears the pick up is good. But as you go up, there is a pull(especially when AC is on)
As told AC has little bearing on car perf. Gear shifting is not at all problem. I learned driving with out much of help from somebody on this car. When other long time car owners/drivers test my car, they immly say/note that I learned driving on this car only. But they said gear shifting is good.
Both Mallick and Concorde stock only top end models. They are aggressive in sending teaser SMS (to all existing Tata Customers) but response back is poor.
Tatas are poor on service, may be on marketing front also. But if any body wants to go for Nano, Top end only is better VFM.
Space inside is premium. You cant comfortably put four laptops inside the car with four passengers, unless otherwise, you have guts enough to put the laptops in the front hood. In the back seat, you cannot open your lap top and keep working.
I take only space inside is premium. Back seat is not a bucket. Its bench. You cant keep laptop
Well, to add finally, it is Janatha car, or we can calll bettter an ’Air conditioned auto (only on front seat)’. Given a choice, you can shell out a few more thousands and take a Maruthi basic model
Your final comments, I think need to be corrected. Nano segment is different. For company’s sales fig, we only need to see if that segment exists. Now a days there are very less people for even M800.
Thanks for giving an opportunity to share
Overall, my rating, Nano is better than M800