Though it was marketed as the lowest price car, for INR 1, 00, 000.00, but actual price is very close to Maruti 800. It would be a real common peoples car if its take home price come around Rs.1, 00, 000.00. Government should withdraw all Tax and Duties to give honour to the objective of SIR RATAN TATA .
The car is relay made for common people as average running cost is around Rs 3/- per Km. within congested city like Kolkata. Very good pick-up, low turning radius, very light steering and gear control, absolutely zero vibration, powerful headlights and fog lights, plenty of inner space and comfort, good Air-conditioner, very good visibility to outside from inside the car. What mote the common people want during his journey by his own car.
Moreover it consist with all latest technology to all accessories fitted with. Revolutionary conceptions are used for constructing the car which is a real wonder among the world.
As an Indian we must be proud about it. People who love his nation and dreams to see his nation as No.1 in the world, should support the invention. The knowledgeable people should advice for the further improvement.
We should not compare with high price foreign company make car to darken our capability and sincere effort for developing this little wonder.