Hi friends,
I am writing this review after getting
a ride in the wonder car called nano.
My friend had borrowed someones Nano
and offered to give me a ride to the
I was hesitant but agreed for the same.
The ride that day changed my views
towards Nano completely. Initially I
thought that Nano was a delicate car
which went up in flames.
However the approx 10 kilometers ride to
my office completely changed my view
about the CAR. To start with car was very comfortable and I was able to getin without bumping my head( It happens with me in almost all the other cars except Santro and Wagon R).
As and when my friend changed the gears and the car picked up speed I realised that I was sitting in a car and not in a souped up auto rickshaw as claimed by others.
The car is pretty smooth inside with very little noise in the cabin. Ther was ample of space inside with a well bulit person like me sitting very comfortably.
In the red lights where 800 and alto would zoom past but that does not matter since I am a slow driver myself. However there was 1 sore point which was the AC which kind of was not very comfortable.
I am a going to be a first time buyer and confused between ALTO and Nano. My Daughter wants a yellow Munni car( As shown in the ad) and wife suggests for an ALto.
Oh yes! hats off to Mr Tata for making this Wonderful Car.
ANy suggestions for me frinds.