I have been utilizing Tata Photon max for quite a while in Gandhinagar, Tirupur. Since March 2015, I have been confronting moderate rate and disengagement issue. Each time when drawn closer to their call focus, they said that their systems administration group is taking a shot at this issue and will be determined soon in the first place. Following couple of months, began saying that the range in which Im utilizing the gadget is a high used region and will require some serious energy. Presently for pas couple of months they are, call focus official and applet power, the range in which Im utilizing the gadget is a high used region and can not confer to what extent it will take.
They will begin discussion as though your issue doesnt exist and you are griping for every single wrong reason. They assert rate of 3.1 mbps, however when you approach them for normal rate they say it might associate with 500-800 kbps and when you share them previews of genuine pace which is 5 - 15 kbps, they will never at any point acknowledge this.
Greatly torpid and amateurish.