Tata Sky or DishTV? I suppose many of us ask the same to ourselves and to our friends before actually going for either one. Most of the times we go on with the one which is giving a better offer at the time of our purchase.
I got a Tata Sky Connection @ Indore coz my landlord was already having one and thus I would be aishwaryasingh23ing only 100 odd bucks for a month as an add-on connection. Same when I decided to buy for my home @ Bhopal I got a DishTV as it was giving 6 months subscription free at that time.
Now to actually come to terms.
*User Interface;
*Tata Sky scores easily over the DishTV as the interface and the Program Guide menu is very easy and is instantly updated all the time. On the same the DishTV program guide is never updated unless it has been running continously for an hour or so.
*Reception & Quality;
*It depends on your locality but here too TATA Sky has a slightly better reception quality than DishTV.
*Program Packages;
*Clearly here TATA Sky is undisputed winner as the past shows. NDTV Imagine & Colours come first on TATA then on Dish. Package upgrade is also a very tideous process in DishTV as compared to TATA Sky. Sports packages and Business News packages are also better on TATA Sky.
*Its the same process for both and package costs are also almost the same.
Now after more than an year of having both the experiences I always suggest TATA to everyone also since now there is TATA Sky+ which has loads of add-on features, rest is personal choice!