My name is Wahid and I live in a small village near Mirpur ( Kashmir ) I could never think of watching TV at my place. To reach my house you need to cross 3 rivers and 2 steep valleys with no road for almost 14 Kms . I am Watching the Super Quality stuff and no problems at all .
I deal in Apples and Dry fruits and have a family of 18 people. My Family enjoys the Tatatsky Service and Kids also like the WizKids section ( Gaming Zone Types ) .
This might be funny for people living in Big cities but I would request you all to come and see where I live . This hill top is close to the Poonch sector and television entertainment is only a word in the dictonary here. We have a Cable operator in Mirpur ( 170 Kms ) but he is not ready to give a connection here .
I enjoy the excellent and beautifully designed menu , This is very simple and easy to operate . everything is classified and I can make my choice very easily . The Quality is beyond my imagination . Now the question was How to recharge my connection . .will I go down to the next town ? No Believe me I recharged the Connection on the Website under MY TATASKy section . I have not only recharged but also got all info like account balance , Due dates, Account statement , and other offers.
This is Amazing and unbelievable.
The Best Part was the Installation - The Technical Team came in like Mission Impossible agents after travelling for hours to my place . With their Hi Fi equipments to make my life simple. They installaed the Box and the Dish in 40 minutes, I forced them to have lunch with me and thank them for the neat and clean installation in my house. They did what no one else could do in last 29 years.This reminds me of the time when my father whi was a freedom fighter used to tell me about Tata. the repect has multiplied and to tell you the truth --- Right from Salt in my kitchen to the Truck that carries my Apple --- everything is the same name .
I had an option of DISH TV also - When I called them, I was on hold for 15 minutes and then a rude lady told me to get in touch with a dealer in Srinagar- She needs to understand the Geography of India as Srinagar is not next door ... Not never 200 miles . She didnt tell me anything about the Box and use.
Tatasky came with the Box to my house and did everything . How could I forget was JRD tata said when he lauched the ventures with New Government of India " everything that TATA will do will be first in favour of the Nation " .
I have heard that people in bombay and Delhi cant live without TV for one day , I have lived for 29 years , I know the value of it and I recommend it to you .
Go by the Name - It is worth . Trust yourself on this .