Wish I cud go on till the limit of 7500 characters for writing abt TataSky Plus but I dun really have that much patience! This definitely is a Revolutionary Product. The first thought that struck me wen we got Tata Sky Home was "Was I sleeping so far o wat.wat took me so long to Buy it".
With TS+, Overall TeleVision experience is so much more relaxed and flexible.
Scene 1: No Tata Sky Plus
a) Uv gotto miss all the weekday programmes that are aired before 7:30 PM as u are working in office.
b) Uv gotto remember the schedule of all ur fav progs and stay at home wen they are aired, u cnt go out for dinner or do smthng eventually important at that hour, unless u don wanto miss the programme.
c) Watch everything just once, the great moments of Natgeo & Discovery, they appear for flick of moment n go, u dunt ever wonder if u cud rewatchem. No matter how badly u like it.
d) Bear with all the boring ads or insanely switch channels only to forget wat u were originally watching.
e)Buy/Rent CD for watching movies as the overall movie experience with all those ads and timing issue does not fit so well
f) Last but most importantly, hold ur pee or thirst untill commercial break while u r watching ur fav programme.
Scene 2: With Tata Sky
a) One day in my life, I can recollect my entire list of fav progs, and tell TS+ to record all the episodes of all my fav progs, and remind me as they r aired. I can watch ny of my alread recorded fav programme and watch them as and wen I have time. C it takes just one hour to schedule wat u want to watch through out the yr. Isnt that Incredible!
b) I can rewind/pause/forward any programme at any moment, without having to fight with any1 abt wat the actor said or did, Reexperience the breathtaking moments from Discovery and Fox History and see them as many times I want to see.
c)Dont have to bear with moodspoiling ads, once a prog is recorded it takes a blink to forward the ad and keep my mood tuned to prog.
d) Dont have to schedule my activities around my TV progs. rather TV gives me wat I want and wen I want. Im free to do things without hv to worry abt missing my MTV Splitsvilla.
e) I can see all episodes of one programme in one sequence like an Entire Season CD, rather than in Tits n Bits. Thats Mind Blowing man.
f) Dont hv to rent/buy CD and DVD, I can record all the great movies from HBO/STARmovies n watchem as n wen I like.
So go for it people - If u are an ardent TV viewer and even if u r not(as ull become one once u hv TS+)
As for me I am mad about Tatasky+! It rocked my Life! Love u Tata Sky! Ummmaah