TATA a strong brand in india , proving its presence with latest technology with ethics and standards maintained by sarv Shri Ratan Tata. I being a citizen of india, am taught or literally can say feel the above quote true and justified. Sorry to say until recently, I had an bad experience and was made to bear losses because of my faith in TATA products, I had bought an Tatasky hd plus set top box to be used with my Samsung led tv (46" 3d),
There was some hanging problem with the set top box , so a replacement was made with an old repaired hd plus, on my protest they told me that its TATA set procedure and nothing an be altered , they said they give full responsibility of the same in future,
Just less than two months had passed and To my dismay my led tv started showing some trouble , so I called company engineers , they told me that this problem has occurred due to fault in set top box flow of current thru hdmi cable to led tv , the mother board of Samsung tv got short and and processor too got short , due to which led panel is also damaged and now the complete repair will cost around 50000 inr ,
Sir, my question is why should I be burdened with the damages faced by me when there was fault in your device. Damaged set top box has been again replaced by Tata sky team, this also authenticate my stand of fault in Tata sky device
Please help me find a solution and pl get my led tv repaired , as its ethically Tata sky responsibility. Looking forward for a solution.