I hv read so many reviews from the users of tata sky, well let me just tell u all ppl, that I m using tatasky from oct07 and till now I have not faced any kind of problem, I m using two stb as I m having two connections of tatasky, one box is of humax and the other box is of thomson, while comparing both stbs I found that humax stb is much better from thomson stb.
So if you are planning to hv tsky connection so just go for humax stb, thomson stb is having problems like the box usually hangs while checking the channel listings, picture freezes, and even signal level is also not so constant, and the major drawback of thomson stb is that the processing is 2 slow as compared with humax stb so it sux, as lot of time is wasted while changing channels or checking listings. whatever the channel quality remains allmost same on both stb, the customer service rocks as compared with dishtv.
The quality of stbs of tsky is very high as compared to dishtv.so just go for tsky if u r looking for better service and better stb. and if u r only looking at channels then only go to dishtv but remember about headache that u will gain while calling at there customer care haha. hope this review can help somebody.