After watching cable for years I was ready to make a switch to DTH. Tata Sky looked like a good option- all thanks to Tatas behind it. Booked the DTH through telephone and was assured installation within next 48-hours. But two days passed without any message from the installation team.I was back to calling their helpline asking why the delay.
In return I was told since Saturday and Sunday they do not work the installation will now be done by Tuesday. Again no word from the company and again I was back to their helpline asking what was the reason for delay now. The response was something I was not prepared for.I as told the installation will be delayed by 15 days as the local cable operators harass the installation team and will be done under police protection.
The fortnight too passed without any call from the Tata Sky guys. Again the helpline: It will be done in next five days. Nothing happened as usual. I again called helpline this time they gave me the no of the person responsible for installation. This guy announced a further delay of 15-days.My queries/observations:The TATA sky guys said there is a problem in Kharghar area.
Were they not aware of the problem at the time of taking the booking? Is it not the responsibility of the company to tell us before hand about the problem? the company has been in the market for so long why have they not bee able to find a solution to this problem? You are not buying the product from a new company. Imagine Tata Sky Plus doing this to their customers. The company should ensure when you accept the booking that it will be installed come what may.More so as an individual I am shocked that I cannot decide what is good or bad for me. Are we living in banana republic?
UPDATE (25/10/09)
Despite my repeated requests and later my pleas to cancel my subscription the Tata Sky installation team finally decided to pay me a visit at the unearthy hour of 06.55am. But only to tell me it cannot be installed in the balcony as reception will not be clear. So have to ask the society for permission to install on the roof.
Now, I was wondering if the same thing could have been done sometime when I booked the GREAT TATA SKY PLUS? This time also the guy came without any police protection. That was the reason he said he came early in the morning to avoid being beaten up by the cable wallas. But I guess it would be asking for too much. Anycase I am cancelling m y subscription. Till the day I am able to install one on my own I will stick to the local cable wallah. At least his services are active and no minuses...!