Cutomer ID : 1011133657 , Complaint no : 1-10484049359
I have been a tatasky subscriber for about 5 years. I have multiple connections in my home of tatasky. I never had a complaint regarding their product or service till now. The only grouse I always had was that they never came up with a buy back for their DVR or HD boxes. I am sure 1000s of TS subscribers would have jumped at it. I am also a ex long time tata employee !
Monday 13th I registered a complaint that after a heavy storm in Cochin ( where I live) my signal was lost. My wife informed me about this when I reached home around 8 pm. The signal was lost around 3 pm. I tried all the rebooting sequence nothing worked. Finally around 9 pm I called the CC and registered a formal complaint. By this time 3 or 4 flat mates called each other found out that none was receiving the signal. So, the problem was logically, with the antenna, as it is shared by 7 or 8 of us in the flat.
Tuesday 14th : after I called CC on follow up , they said some one will call me on mobile before they come.
Wednesday 15th : Called the CC. Very apologetic. Definitely someone will call and come today.
Thurday 16h : Called CC. Very apologetic. Someone will come, very concerned no one has come. By this time my kids are furious at TS. Now, there is a serious problem.
Friday 17th : Called CC : The handler put me up to a lady supervisor, when he came to know its been FIVE days. She too was oozing apology. Has promised someone will rectify today itseft. For once I had to plead rather than get angry since tomorrow and day after are hols for kids. Time when writing this 4.10 pm. Yet not rectified.
Update ::::Saturday 18th . 12.115 pm : Called CC, same routine talk, someone will call in 2 hours, its become a jokenow. I think I would have talked to the entire CC staff by now ! !
Update ----- Monday 20th - Day 8 - Still waiting for the 2 hour away call and the service man...Shifted one TV to local cablewala. Have changed my reocommendation to "no". Totally unacceptable service standards from a TATA company. I will soon have to say tata to it.
Update ------ Tuesday 21st - Day 9 - Two guys turned up at night 8.30, took a look around and said they will come tomorrow morning as the dish was on the roof which is 15 floors high. Time now 1.30 pm and no one has come to fix.
Update ---- Tuesday 3pm. Finally it was fixed now. These guys have come all the way from Bangalore to Cochin...and not just for our high rise.... they have cut off the local agency. Now I need to get my 9 days credit back from Tata Sky...
Update - Wednesday 15th ---10 am : The Tata Sky people credited back 7 days amount back into my account. The 2 days as per them is the time usually taken to address a problem. Fair enough.
( I had posted a query in their website on Friday. On Saturday under My Queries it was open. On Monday 18th , the query has DISAPPEARED ! ! It now says "You have no queries posted". What a wonderful way of handling a query ! ! Delete it and forget it ! ! Must be a new moto of customer service section. Why dont you just delete the tab and save everyones time)
Tata Sky has some serious serivce issue in Cochin, I guess. Just on a whim, I started checking the review of all the DTH providers, because I decided that after 5 days, my patience cant take it. Its been FIVE days since the TS has gone in our entire flat and there is no follow up, no calls. Almost all the DTH has got around 45% rating int this site ! ! ! !! Guess all the DTH operators are no better than others. Wish there was some Govt agency we could register a complaint. If anyone knows , let me know.
END NOTE : All in all it seems to be a one of service issue in Cochin. In the meantime, it made me learn two things. 1). How addicted we are to our TVs. But those 9 days all of my family incuding kids started reading a lot of books !! ( But back to square one now :( ! ) 2. Said and done, after my research of all the other DTHs, the ease of programme allocationa, quality of programmes and the variety at a very competetive rate seems to be only Tata Sky.