I am Krishna, from Hyderabad. I have taken Tata Sky connection 4 months back. My plan is South Jumbo with more than 132 channels.
And its price Rs. 360/- per month. I have taken Jumbo, since it will maximum channels (especially Sports channels like ESPN, Star, Ten Sports).
Recently I have received a message from TataSky stating that, TataSky package prices reduced. and South Jumbo package reduced to Rs. 310/- from Rs. 360/-. For some time I felt very happy, because per month I can save Rs. 50/- more.
But next day I have received another message as , sports channels are excluded from the Jumbo package and they are divided into two packages.
Package 1 : Sports Platinum - Cost Rs. 40/-, and channels : Star Sports, ESPN, Star Cricket
Package 2 : Single Channel - Cost Rs. 15/-, and Channel : Ten Sports.
So Now If I want to take the same channels package , I need pay
Rs. 310/- for South Jumbo, and Rs. 55/- for the sports channels.
Means total became : Rs. 365/-
Previously I used to pay Rs. 360/-, now I need to pay Rs. 365/-
So, do you think its Price CUT????? Really NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.