It happened to me when I changed my last flat, I called the Tatasky customer care to change my connection from my last flat to my present and the next day a person came.
He dismantled the TataSky dish and left. Once I was into my present flat I called them again to restore the services. And every time I called them they say that today/ tomorrow well get the issue resolved. I especially requested them if they can send their techinician on weekends but of no use.
The company which claims of resolving the issues withing 48 hours took atleast 15 days to turn up. On one side I was losing the daily balance from my TataSky Id while on the other side I was told that it would cost me Rs600/ to restore services.
And even I agreed to pay Rs600 but then also the response was so much poor as if they are providing this service free of cost.
Every time I called I have to explain the entire happenings to a new customer care executive on the phone. Even it happened that I started writing off the names of the concerned persons I spoke with for reference so that I should not keep on explaining the entire things a fresh.
I even pointed them that for the period my Tatasky dish is disassembled you dont have any rights to charge on my Id, for that the response I received is -it is a computer based system and it will deduct money from your Id everyday and no one has no control over it. I even spoke to one of the Managers regarding this problem and she said that once the Dish is reassembled you will receive the amount deducted in this period back into your Id. But it never happened till date. And I was so much annoyed with the poor response of the company that I wanted to get back my dish assembled at any cost. Or else I was ready to throw away the digiset and dish.
The whole experience taught me to go for a company providing better after sales services.