I ordered a Tata Sky HD+ on 14th March and was told that by 3 working days it would be installed. I was slightly worried about why 3 days but still decided to go with it .
Now after I ordered decided to check out the reviews and then got slightly worried that so many people had complaints for the delivery times. Keeping that in mind I called on the 2nd day itself hoping to make them realize their promise. The C.C. Lady calmly assured me that I would be contacted by 3 days and the installation would be done.
Today being the 3rd day, called these guys up and voila . out came their excuse, shortage of machines and other blah blah. Escalated to their seniors and they guy assured me that by the 4th day it would be done. My only reply was, "Please do not promise what you cannot keep" and also that I would cancel my account if they cant do it by the 4th day.
Now lets see what happens.
Now the product is not exactly dirt cheap, and hence there should be a far better service than this. Its just ridiculous. I am pretty clear if they cant install it by tomorrow it would be followed by a cancellation and I urge all the Indian Customers to do the same if this happens to you. You cannot be taken for a ride by anyone.
Post Delivery Review(Update)
Yes the Delivery promises are horrible. Yes its the most expensive DTH in town, But it also has the most channels and the HD is awesome. Truly is. So, Ill go step by step:
Channels: I still have my Airtel DTH working but Tata Sky has more channels and it keeps adding to the pack. The usual complaint is it does not have Movies Now, but really I do not miss it, you just have too many movie channels out there, specially English. The channel packages ate expensive but kind of worth it. Rating 8/10 on this one,
HD: Now there are 2 regular HD channels(Nat Geo & Discovery) which are simply superb, sound & vision both. Star Plus is "supposed" to be in HD but its upscaled(who watches it anyway?). In addition it does keep adding various events like ICC World Cup and now, IPL in HD(True not upscaled), No ads No nonsense. Rating 9/10
Standard Definition Channels: Now this is where the picture quality lacks a lot. The SD channels on Tata Sky HD+ are not as good as I have them on Airtel DTH(not HD), but maybe this is normal with HD boxes, I dont know. You do miss the clarity while watching Discovery, TLC, History Channel etc. Rating 5/10
In addition TS HD charges only 50/- for the HD gold pack i.e. all HD channels it has to offer(atleast for now) which is good. The recording as stated of 600 hours around is SD recording and not HD. Mine is already nearing it quota, its still the max. disk space provided by any DTH operator.
I only hope TS can better the clarity of SD channels.
Overall, Ill rate TS HD+(post delivery) at 7/10.
any comments or question is welcome.