One of the Sales Lady visited my house and She told at present promotional offer available in that you will get HD connection, 4 months free and no extra charges(I asked about Cabling) Rs.2100(4 months+HD Set top-box) so you are getting almost free.
I said I have Local Cable Connection for 3 more months I already paid.
She said no problem Sir, I can put the connection in hold
So I took the Connection in 7th Jul 2019, in 20th Jul 2019 got a call I told need to put in pending after 3 months I can use, So 25th of Sep 2019 I told to install, They told in 24 Hrs we will install it, no reply after 2 days 27th I was contacted they said again 24 hrs, I told it is already more than 48 hrs, still they told 24 Hrs, again 28th I gave complaint again 24 Hrs, I said I f you are unable to give connection you can cansal the connection and refund my money back, they to tomorrow early hours we can, and the installation don(29th after noon) and that time installation person asked me extra cable required( usually we are providing 10 mtrs Only) I told him the sales lady told no extra charge for that, he didnt say any thing, but activation not at done, they told recharge need to do after that we can activate, again contacted for activation I was contacted the them they again told 24 Hrs,
Finally on 30th it is got activated and I got only for 1 month, but totally I got head ache with this matter and I dont want to go for complaint.
on the next day it is got Deactivated, when I ask again and again they told for Extra Cabling the amount is debited from your account. and finally we have only 4 HD channels in telugu.
Account Recharge 1222.00(CR) EVD Payment -Tata-Sky
Other Services 801.00(DR) Activation Fee
Other Services 420.00(DR) Hdlg Chrgs of CableRG59
Other Services 999.00(CR) Credit towards TSKValue
Other Services 801.00(CR) Credit towards DifferntialValue
Other Services 1269.00(DR) Debit towards RentalChgs
Other Services 413.00(DR) Debit towards InstlFeeCharge
Other Services 118.00(DR) Debit towards ActFeeCharges