I bought a Rs 1000 recharge card of Tata Sky and thats where my tale of woe begins. When I tried to scratch the card the ink would refuse to come off - when I finally managed to get it all off I couldnt read the numbers ! So I went back to the dealer and asked for a replacement. Guess what ? The dealer wouldnt replace it and he didnt even what action was to be taken. I called the call center and they couldnt activate it either. They asked me to go back to the dealer.
After I swung like a pendulum between customer service and the dealer, I decide to visit the web site . There is not even a FAQ , no email helpline , nothing on the site which tells you how to report a problem. It seems no one in tata sky has even figured that a recharge card may go kaput. Finally I got a Post Box no in Blr and I was asked to send the recharge card there.
Imagine I do courier to an unknown PB number - no Mr xyz , no reference number - what if I get no response?? To cut a long story short, it is months since this happened and I am still waiting for a refund from Tatasky - I figure I may as well add 1000 bucks to their annual charge. Moral of the story - pls aks the dealer to scratch the card in front of you - and buy in very small quantities.
Tata Sky sucks.