I took Tata Sky around an year back and it was 300/- complete package.
Day by Day they are moving all channels as separate paid channels. This is pure cheating and against the basic principal of business, how can you cheat your own people. It seems we are hijacked by them and we dont have options. I am sure dish tv will do same to its customer in few days. Is there any government body where we can complain?
We should run online campaign for them and teach them lesson, we should atleast get what we bought, how can they take out items from our cart for which we paid.
Totally unacceptable !!
On top of it they are claiming that they have reduced rates!!
Not sure if they even know what they are doing. I used to suggest this product to my friends but now I wont.
we should think how do get our voice reach to correct set of group to get support and TATASKY people get wake up!!
Let me know if any one has any contact number of senior people in TATASKY. I see campaign by ESPN-STAR so that is good things for us.