We are toutured customers of Tata Sky. Before I provide any details, lets see why I chose Tata Sky. I always thought that Tata simply means honesty, reliability and quality. I had the choice to go for other service providers, but still I believed in Tata. Just to verify fact our customer ID is 1013066368.
Alas! it was all an illusion. The truth is that Tata too is like any other brand, may be worse. Let me cite a couple of incidents. Our Tata Sky connection is not working, God knows why? So we called Tata Sky customer care (do they know what is caring for someone??), waited for 15 mintutes to get a response, and were told that repair would require an engineer visit which would cost us Rs. 350. The other alternative was to go for an AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract).
We called "customer care" again (of course waited again for 15 minutes) and asked the person to grant us AMC. Well he didnt know what AMC means? So he went and asked his manager (and in turn managers manager) and came to know that Tata Sky had AMC facility as well. Mind you, all these calls were STD calls. Okay, now we asked him to go ahead. But just for curiosity, we asked if it would solve our problem? Here comes the surprise. AMC will work only if God comes and try to temper with your dish. Otherwise sorry! Sadistic Tata has got no business to help its customers. Because all they want is to sell more boxes, make more money, forgetting that each sale means a relation. Anyway they dont know what is a relation.
So it is my effort to wake up Tatas high sitting officers, management and Mr. Ratan Tata that your name is no more revered, its tarnished. At least, I will make sure that any one whom I know and if possible others too, I will strongly recommend to avoid ANY Tata prodcut.
Also Tata should know that they dont have a monopoly. Although I lost my money, time and efforts with you; it gave me an experience that will be fruitful for future.