I have a doubt and would like to hear from you.I upgraded to tatasky HD by inuring cost with the expectation that I will get to watch HD service and channels that was there when I went for and never expected to have additional channels. Initially I was paying Rs.75 that got changed to Rs.100, even I did not complain about the increase. But on 08-Oct-2012, Tatasky unilaterally decide to use Rs.100 for enabling HD service and HD channels will be available based on my base package.
This decision led to reduced number of channels that I was getting (only 3 I can watch out of 5 I am getting) and never been given enough time to even digest this change. I approached their call center and did not get any proper explanation, even one representative said, suggested to pay extra Rs.150 to get those channels and some even mentioned, I signed that tatasky can decide and change as they wish without our consent. I am clueless on these things and is this the way Tatasky DTH works and we need to always adhere to their wishes (only money making attiMr_customtakeouter)
I have only seen, when it is beneficial to customtakeouter, service provider will change without checking but when a degradation happens isnt good to give enough time (not days) and check before doing this change. If channels are based on the base package why Rs.100 for HD enabling charges. I tried my level best to get proper explanation but nothing I got. Worst customtakeouter service experience I had and they have a wonderful representative.
Please help me to understand, is this the way I should set my expectation or should I fight for better and committed service. Please help me to understand. Thanks.Below my signature I have pasted some of my email exchange with Tatasky. Finally I requested them to disconnect HD service. They did only the first point.
With regards,
Tatasky response - Shyam:
With reference to your E-mail dated 15/10/2012 12:34:07 PM, regarding HD channels.
As discussed, We would like to inform you that effective from 8th October as mentioned in the news letter. You need to subscribe for Standard Version of the channel in order to view HD version of the same channel.
Also We would like to inform you as Starcricket, ESPN and Star world is not a part of your basic package you have to subscriber them as Add-on only then you will be able to view them in HD.
My email:
Please dont frustrate me like this. I cant keep conveying my point forever, initially I spoke to Sreenivas, then some girl/lady then onemore girl/lady then Sanjay then Rekha then Hema, now new person. If you guys cant understand, please initiate conference call and invite all customtakeouter service representatives so I can convey once for all. In tatasky, cant one person take ownership on the communication part when the issue is not the usual one?
Please dont try to sell your mistakes by stating tomorrow it will be greenery...First make it greenery then claim about the same. Today I am paying Rs.100 and getting only 3 channels that I can watch. Please understand this basic issue. I was never told, you will change as you like when I upgraded to HD. I am not a fool to upgrade, if I am going to be in this situation. How many more emails I need to write before you guys hear it. At times I feel like I am taking to def ears..............
I have shown enough flexibility which none will do. I asked Hema to do the following (which Rekha, Hema and you guys are evading)
1> Summarize the issue I am facing or raised.
2> Take your time in getting this issue resolved but ensure I been kept updated on the progress (with a defined timelines). I didnt even say, you fix this issue my tomorrow. I only asked acceptable timelines by both.
Anyone will give these options to you guys? I never ever asked you guys to highlight the options you guys came up with. If I have asked that to be document, you guys will be in big trouble.
Data points: I raised this issue on 08-Oct it took 5days for you guys to respond or hear me now it is 15-Oct still sailing in the same boat without any understanding from your side.
Hema kept saying (with frustration) that I kept repeating the same (repeated due to frustration on my part) and said she understood the issue but none gets reflected or heard after so many exchanges :(. Rekha talked to me my Hitler, this is the option either take it or get lost. You guys state, conversation is recorded for quality purpose, please use it really for quality purpose and improve your quality of service and stick to commitment. Thanks.