I bought Tata Sky from a Tata Sky Outlet in Dhanbad on 23rd Oct. Next day an engineer came to install the set-top box and do the requsite fittings. Within a few hours I was able to receive good quality picture & sound. Initially a few channels were blocked . I called the customer-care centre and the channels were activated within a few minutes. Prompt Service! After a few days I upgraded my package online and it took a few minutes for the new package to be effective.
I would suggest that one should go for Tata Sky as it has good service which is very essential if you dont want to lose your peace of mind. The package may seem a bit costly but at the end of the day Good Quality service makes up for that.
P.S.: If you live in a non-metro town get a set-top box from the Tata-sky outlet near you rather that ordering it online. In case of any delay you can catch hold of the shop-keeper.