Having used cable connection for over 2 years in India, tossing between Tatasky, DishTV, Cable set up box, Hathaway and few others within Bangalore city, I finally fixed my mind on Tatasky due to various reasons based on 10 of my friends and relatives using different services and numerous reviews and comments online;
Install and forget it, there is never a chance to call up support
All the options on the mode of paying subscription
Downtime less than 1 hour all put together in the whole year
Too many choices to be economical by avoiding what you dont want
Choice of Tatasky Plus with plenty of features which nobody else has
I am using Tatasky since 13 months, so I waited this long to write a review which I was very specific to be experience based, not brand biased. So, here I am recommending this great service to everyone. I have friends using BigTV, SunDirect, Dishtv, Cable set up box and few others in the market. My SunDirect friend had to wait 1 whole month to rectify a small signal issue.
Similar issues with other services too faced by some. So, area to area, person to person, this could be a slightly different opinion. As long as I am concerned, I am a very happy customer of Tatasky. I thought of moving to various others that were lauched in the market in the last 12 months, purely thinking that I would save on subscription or get better channels etc. but none of them proved reasonable as I tested all of it through relatives or friends.