I am using Tata Sky connection is 2 years. I was paid RS. 1350 for new connection with one month subscription. After 1 month I was asked to Tata Sky customer care for offers on my d2h. They given me one of the best offer which any network cannot Get.I was paid only 1510 for one year subscription I had monthly backup 290 but I am using it just for Rs. 125, means I am a savings 165 per month on my back, just I have to pay one time.
I have all popular entertainment channels, News, music, sports( accept TEN sport), knowledge, and other channels also. I am very happy with all these. They have very good offers on every Saturday, which is called Jingalala Saturday offer in which they are giving first one month subscription just for RS.1. Which is very negligible rate. They are very good quality signal as well as no network interruption. Nice customer support they have also other channel like active music, active darshan, active fitness, Active Javed Akhtar, active dance etc.Just they have very high rates for LA CARTE CHANNELS, so it should be minimized otherwise it was great fun. Highly recommend to all DTH user. Value for money.