I have tata sky HD+ connection more than 5 years. I was working in company who do software for tata sky box. I bought the box when it get released.
The box was dead on April 2015. After long fight and ceo escalation my box get replaced by charging 750(500 for box and 250 technician) on May 2015. Within 6 months the box stopped doing recording.
A technician visited my home and he told the box need to replace and the charge is 700/-. I explained the box replaced just 6 months back. He told the new box will work around 5 years/based on your luck. After that it will be dead. For replacement tatasky will give only the furbish box(but in new cover) which life time will be around 6 months only.
I have not believed his word and I called customer care. No proper response. So done a CEO escalation. Immediately I got a call from customer care and explained the same what the technician told. He told tatasky itself will give only a month repair warranty for the replacement box since that is a furbish box. For the junk box I need to pay 700/- only. I ask that why I need to pay by knowing that box will work only for 6 months. He replied, then you close the connection, no problem for us. Such a irresponsible answer I didnt expect for him.
Once your HD PVR box is dead say good bye to Tatasky.