Not good for middle class and lower middle class people. Got the connection 18 months back, Quality of the the product is very good and I dont need to mention about the picture and audio quality. Here is my experience brief.
Well every one having good picture and audio quality along with "spot" connection facility with all the providers so its useless to tell "how happy I am" instead I am expressing the cons here.
PROBLEMS(really alot).
First I paid 3300Rs then that time, its currently available just below 1500Rs. SO I spent lot of fuel.
Cost of the packages are too much. More than 30 to 50% extra than other providers.
The recharge cards not available that much easily. But U can use online recharging facility on tatasky website.
I am currently having " south jumbo" pack and recharging about 315Rs per month. But there is a lot (really a lot) of channels missing to see. Actually Tatasky is cheating, the channels they mentioned on their website "tariff" plans are full of trash. Alot of channels are removed from the tariffs but they not mentioning on their website. I suppose to get more than 125 channels but just receiving 65 channels half of them regional( me telugu what is the use of other regional channels with out main channels?)
I had to "subscribe" to each channel to get them. Each channels costs 5Rs extra some cost 10Rs.
Main draw back is that the "ESPN and other major SPORTS channels" are separated, U have to subscribe them separately and the monthly pay is too much for these channels.
THIS IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM: I called their customer care to ask about the missed channels on my tariff, but its waste of time, and I decided to change the package to downgrade so I can select each required channel and subscribe so it will save the money but its not possible they tell "U can change the base package, add on package bla bla..." when U open their website there is "semi annual and annual packages" so if U want to downgrade or change the package U have to pay entire year or semi year cost of that package(first U have to load the amount in Ur account through online). This is really cheating becoz for example U can subscribe to any channel immediately with in few seconds using Ur "registered mobile" number( they will deduct the monthly charges at spot), but to unsubscribe that same channel U have to get through "customer care"....what the helll../...?
Tatasky say HD ready. There is HD channels available like Discovery, but to see these HD channels " U need to pay extra".
There is no special offers exept "one time payment for year about 5500Rs" this offer way out of reach from common man. Seems like they not threatened by other providers yet. How can a normal family spend more than 450Rs for just a month to get all the channels...?
No international channels( not like BBC, CNN cartoon network....)
"SHOWCASE" movies costs 75Rs and with out "hollywood movies". I never saw showcase movies who cares...!
Additional packages are way out of reach, in fact channels like ESPN lanunched lawsuite on tatasky on this issue becoz they providing at low cost but the tatasky "charging alot from the subscribers". They still sticking to their" statagy".
The remote stopped working after 6 months. Buying a new "tatasky" remote is a big problem, the original costs about 400Rs(that too on ebay not from tatasky). I had to buy a duplicate for 250Rs on ebay. So seems they not gonna make "accessouries" menu on their website.
All and all I just give 6/10. Really as a normal person I dont recommend this provider for middle class or lower middle class people. I am sure I am gonna upgrage to better provider soon or later.