My initial experience with Tata sky is very bad. In fact now I am realizing that I made a mistake taking Tata service. I had earlier burned my finger using Tata Indicom telephone & broadband but somehow got in to the trap. There is no process absolutely defined for new connection. You dont know what to do once you receive the set top box. In my case I realized 2 days after receiving the set top box that I have to make a call to Tata Sky customer service to enable the installation. It was never mentioned to me while purchasing the box. Reaching Tatasky customer service is another Hercules task.
Please brace your self with several cups of tea and may be a bowl of pop corn as before you get to speak to a customer care executive you have to wait minimum 40-50 min and that too the chances are 1 in every 5 calls made. For me its been more then a day trying to reach Tata sky but still not successful. I think Tata sky is taking people for a ride, with the better and much matured players in the market now, please dont make the mistake which I did. I have experiance of Airtel (both borad band as well as mobile) and they are atleast 10000% better then the crappy tata call center.
Another point worth noting is that every time you will get to hear a different version of the same subscription every time you speak to a different executive. And since none of the offers are there in written so I really dont know once the service starts what I will get is what I was told while selling the box. .
I will suggest a simple test before you decide with Tata sky. Simply take out your telephone and try to reach the relevant customer care number if you think you have the patience then go for it.