After a long time I am writing again a complete review but this time on Tata sky and really time I wont have words for my frustration.
Previously I am having both dishtv and Tata sky and both were running fine. a few problem will always there which we can ignore.
And now though I have shifted to our new house and now ion very big joint family with my parents, grand parents, two brothers and myself, and every body have their saperate rooms so now their is a need to go for another connection and decided to go for Tata sky this time again.and then start real trouble for us.
After a lot of Salesmanship & persuasions from your Marketing guys, I finally decided to invest in 2 Tata Sky Connections. That time your staff told me that my life would change after that. We then bought the 2 Connections & our Lives turned to WORSE after that due to several Faults & Problems in your systems.
First of all let me tell you what I was PROMISED:
1) World Class Sat TV Service
2) 24 Hrs Help Available
3) My Life will become Jhinga Lala
4) All my Cable TV Problems(3Connections) be over.
5) 24 Hrs Clear Digital Reception- NO DISRUPTION, Guaranteed.
We were quite impressed with the Promises & invested in 2 Tata Sky Connections. But alas from the very Second Day The TRAUMA & TENSIONS started as Follows:
1) The Installer did not fix the Dish/Antenna on our Roof Properly, so the Pictures started distorting. We called your Help Line, but they could not sort the Problem on Phone, so we had to wait till next day for your mechanic to come & rectify the fault. So 24 Hours without Tata Sky.
2) Whenever there is a Medium breeze blowing or even a slight drizzle or the start of Rain, all the Channels start getting distorted. Again we call up your help line several times for this peculiar problem, but they could not help. They kept on telling us to check the Signal Strength, take out the Digi Card & put it back again after switching off the TV for a few minutes, etc. Oooofh! What a waste of Time & Energy! Two of your Executives even accepted that this Problem is there in Tata Sky that whenever the Rain Starts or a strong Breeze starts, the TV Pictures get distorted. Shocking isnt it?
3) The WORST is yet to come. Continuously All thru 24 Hours some kind of Coded Labels/Stickers keep appearing on the Screen of all our TVs. Some of the Labels are: 00063130, 000CC966, 18604256633, 000.508.5179-9 etc.
These Labels/Stickers keep appearing at all crucial places on the Screen, sometimes blocking an important part of the Screen. Eg:(a) A question is asked by the Quiz Master and as soon as the answer appears on the screen, the Label blocks a part of the answer for No Rhyme or Reason.(b) A beautiful Lady/actress is dancing in one of the Channel programmes, suddenly one of the Labels appear on her face or Chest, spoiling the scene for the Viewers. Its really disgusting at Times, when you are watching Intensely. On Calling up your Help line they showed their inability to rectify this, as it was Signal Testing/Piracy test going on & it comes from Chennai. Sir, why so many different kinds of Labels, so many times- virtually thru the day & night to Test your Signals etc? And why are these Labels coming in or around the Centre of the Screen? If you want to check your signal or piracy etc-then do it on the 4 corners of the Screen & not in the Centre areas PLEASE.
4) My old grand Mother aged about 80 years is so much fed up with these problems that she has removed the Sky TV cable & restored her old Cable TV connection. She could not cope up with your so-called Modern Technology hazards creating Depression & Anxiety faced during Prime Time Viewing. She has asked me to convey to you that you should inform your Customers of these Shortcomings before they take your Connections -IF ONE WANTS TATA SKY CONNECTION THEN HE SHOULD NOT ALLOW RAIN OR STRONG BREEZE TO COME NEAR HIS/HER HOUSE, HE SHOULD BE READY TO WAIT FOR 24 HOURS TILL HELP COMES TO RECTIFY THE DEFECTS, HE SHOULD ENJOY THE DIFFERENT LABELS & STICKERS APPEARING ON THE TV SCREEN AS A PART OF ENTERTAINMENT, HE SHOULD NOT DESERVE HIS FAVOURITE CHANNELS LIKE SAHARA SAMAY, ZOOM ETC. HE SHOULD ALSO HAVE A CABLE CONNECTION AS STAND BY EVERY TIME THE TATA SKY GIVES PROBLEMS & FINALLY, TATA SKY IS MEANT ONLY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE NOT OLDIES.
5) Though promised but you have yet not installed favorite Channels, and some of the new channels added were kept under separate package and put up extra burden of money on us. which are very popular in this part of the Country-maybe not in Chennai. We are still waiting in the Sea of HOPE as promised by your Executives & agents.
6) Even Yesterday your Signals went off Three Times during the Day including at 12 Noon & 3 pm and restored after app 10-20 mts each time. In fact we rushed to our Mothers TV as she was watching her Cable connection, which was clear.
I am really fed up on these Shortcomings of yours. So I approach you to take Immediate Action as follows:
A) Please Stop displaying your Signal Stickers/Labels anywhere on the Screen, except on the Corners.
B) Rectify the fault of Distortions due to Rain/ Strong Breeze problems.
C) Include the Favorite Channels like ZOOM, bindass, 9x in their regular package without extra cost. Failing which please disconnect my Tata Sky Connections & Refund me the Entire Money.
I am loosing Faith & Confidence in this new Venture – Tata Sky. I am sure Mr. Rattan Tata is not aware of these Shortcomings otherwise he would not have tolerated these Nuisances. There are many others who are facing these problems but they choose not to complain now, but they will surely do it later when they get fed up and then you will face the problem of eroding your Customer Base. You have a tough competition & you must provide Best of Services to retain your Market Share. Please do Respond with Corrective Action taken Some of the Complaint Nos are: 1-47140xxxx.27/5, 40207xxxx, 1-44523xxxx etc. Surprisingly These Complaint Nos do not follow any Pattern & are not systematic. I AM IN COMPLETE TENSION AS SEVERAL COMPLAINTS TO THEM HAVE BROUGHT NO RELIEF NOR EVEN A REPLY.