I mainly concentrated on "What is wrong with TataSky". For good things about TataSky, read Reviews by other authors, who rated TataSky high.
Pros :1. It is selected as Superbrand 2009. 2. The picture and sound quality meets expectations, like any other broadcasters in India.
Cons :
- The most annoying element in TataSky is the huge fingerprint that comes exactly at the center of the screen blocking the most important content (example, the bats man in a Cricket
match, heroine in a movie etc..) from viewing.
Suggestion to TataSky Reduce the size of fingerprint. Change the background color of fingerprint from BLUE to TRANSPARENT - this will reduce the degree of customer irritation. TataSky should also learn that there is something like, covert-fingerprints, which is not visible to customers. Covert-fingerprint minimizes the need of frequent Overt (ONSCREEN) fingerprints.There is another problem, the user, sometimes, is not even allowed to change the channel when there is an active fingerprint somewhere in bottom-right corner.
Some channels are broadcast with a very low resolution (360x576 resolution) and are upscaled to TV Resolution. This approach badly affects the picture quality.
Few channels that provide almost Zero income to TataSky (example: India Vision, Amrita TV, DD Podhigai, DD Sapthagiri and Mh1 Shradha) were deliberately skipped. Yes, these
channels are not available in TataSky. (I do not know whether TRAI is awake !!)
Bandwidth!!!Does it really matter to a customer...?Yes, it does matter to a customer. The bandwidth limits the number of total channels/applications/games that TataSky could provide. I guess, with the outdated technology, MPEG-2, that TataSky is using, it can not provide more than 150 (approximately) channels.So, never believe if a TataSky sales person promises you that it is going to add few more channels. (number of channels is not counting in TataSky).Surprisingly, AirtelTV, SunDTH, Reliance BIG TV do not have bandwidth problem, because they use, efficient technology, MPEG-4, as they advertise.
No HD even in future:
What are the options available for TataSky to overcome some of the above problems, to increase the number of channels and to provide HD channels.Option 1: Do nothing. Provide the same channels to the customers for life time.Option 2: Switching over to MPEG-4. This will require TataSky to change all the exising DigiComp (STBs) with the new (MPEG-4) ones. This may cost TataSky around Rs. 1000/- per
So, for every 1 lakh Boxes, it costs TataSky around Rs.10 Crores. This will also enable TataSky to provide HD Channels in future. (I can not imagine providing HD channels with MPEG-2 technology).
My review is common for all the STBs of TataSky.
References: broadbandforum.in/tata-sky-dth/28641-tatasky-cheating/5/ tatasky.com/