I have been(PAST TENSE) tata sky customer since 2008. In the last 6 years I never once faced an issue with this companys services, products or charges. In the past 1.5 years, the entire service has undergone a drastic degradation.
The main problem is the ATTITUDE. No one bothers to maintain the reputation of the TATA brand anymore. Its a very very sorry situation. In the past 6 months, I had 3 visits from the technician, scheduled due to bad signal reception, and every time, charges were deducted from my account.
Second, the rate of recharge, which was under 500 a month for 5-6 years! has gone up steadily to 550, then 650 with no visible explanation. Perhaps due to service taxes.
The saddest part is the quality of the call centre, their unresponsive and non co-operation, coupled with the really bad service and quality of technicians. I remember earlier a uniformed and informed technician would visit. Now its like local riff raff visiting.
All in all, this once good company and name has gone to the DOGs.I have recorded all my complaints and have to repeat them again and again, and again. My latest communication with them was this past Saturday, 25/6/2016 WO#PS0B38Q, which they decided to deal with per their convenience and not ours. And as a joke, they withdrew the order as well and sent me a msg. It is such a joke!
Basically they dont care a whit about customers as they obviously have too many.
Well, one less from today, as Ive dismantled my connection and am looking for a new service provider. What is their loss is someone elses gain. Goodbye Tata Sky, and its such a pity all this did not happen in Mr Ratan Tatas time, I could have written to him. And got service.