Wow, this is something outta the ordinary. The commercial is definetely an eye catching one than the regular crap thats dished out on tv. Even the jingle on the ad was superb. does anyone know from which song this jingle was taken from. It hhas been shot superbly. Wow what a concept. Sometimes I think these admakers just run outta concepts n give us some shitty ads to watch. Like the Chloromint commercial. It is one of the shittiest commercial, more than that its irritating. What were they thinking when they made that shitty ad. But ads like the Tata Safari Dicor brings forth the interest towards the product after watching the ad. Boy whenever the ad comes on tv I increase the volume n feel my hair stand everytime. We should have more of such ads. after all who wants to get bored during breaks in movies or serials or between overs.