I recently bought a Safari DICOR and God !!!! it is a horrible car. The sapce is fine other than that I think it is the last product one should buy I would even go as far as saying that even if available free one should stay away from this car.
It is riddled with problems. Also it seems that these problems are common to most Safaris. The propeller shaft makes a clanking noise, the a/c makes a whistling noise, the steering rattles even when the car is brand new, the seat lumbar support keeps colapsing on its own, the engine and fuel management systems are pathetic.
If one does buy this car you would really need to "Reclaim your life"
Over and above all the problems in the car the management of TATA Motors is even worse and a callous bunch of jokers who can only think of providing a customer with excuses for not rectifying the car.
I am planning to sue TATA Motors in the consumer court to claim a refund. If any other user of TATA Motors would like to join forces pls leave a msg here and we will figure out a way to catch up.