When I thought of buying SUV I went for a long battle in the market trying out every product in the market we have but I bought Dicor 3.0 ltr Ex version and I am very much satisfied with its performace. The vehical as all the deals in it what a SUV needs to have in the price catagory it comes with. I drove it off road and it gave me such a confidence when crossed a all the hurdles on the way there where few incidence when scorpio and other UV returned back seeing the worst way. But this vehical vent gliding all the way through tough and torned roads. I am so excited with the safari dicor that I can not just reviel my happiness here. Its powerful moves and great studyness while turning at even high speed. There is a lilttle problem with its doors which start making noice in few weeks after you purchase but it comes with the package....lol
It gives me 16 KM per liter average in City of Delhi.
Max speed it goes with out even making you feel that you are driving at the speed og 160km / hr it looks as if you are driving at 70-80 km per hr. Great pleasure , comfurtable dominating all the vehical. Even Ford endavor can not beat this vehical with its current versions they have on highway or city street.
One needs to chage the rims and tyres which comes with the company which will give more comfort and the feel of the vehical. But one has to be tough to drive this vehical every one can not take the max out of this SUV. Try out driving rash it wont let u down even though if you turn the vehical at the speed of 98km/hr on deep turns.
I am really happy to have Dicor . I really appriciate TATAs work and hard work to give us such a vehical at this price. In my eyes its better that pejaro, scorpio, endavour, terrecan and tucan.
I respect TATA for making such a great engien by itself. Hats off for Tata motors.