Yesterday evening I had an offer , no autophile like me would be caught saying no to.My uptown money loaded friend was bringing into my office , a fully loaded tata safari , and knowing how I love wheels , was letting me test run the baby before he would adopt the beast from the workshop.Every minute passed by like hours before the clock struck 6 bells.
I waited like an expectant bride on her first night , at the gates of my office , passifying and holding back the gutteral urges of passion that churned up in my mind.Then suddenly a flaming red color caught my eye.It was not a safari , that I had envisioned in my mind.This was much more that that.It was a fully loaded safari , with a fabulous DC customized paint job , and DC pro-kit add ons here and there.The normal Tata safari is a indianized version of a sports utility vehicle , but this baby was heavens gift to me. One look at her , and was sizzzling hot!! in ferrari red -cyan black paint combo.
Just the looks of this lady had all the hairs in my chest standing up and yelling for more.I tried dreaming for a milli second if this visual orgasmic experience would continue when I drove her around town.
The safari was never a true wilderness beast like the land rover , but this lady was more suited for the occasional fox hunt in the nearby grassy plains .Shes not one that you can reliably take to the Dakar championships , unless uve got a few more like her parked by for carrying on from where the first left.
This lady was luxury personified from within too.The air cons worked fine , the stereo systems rocked with nakamichi and there was animal hide padding all around the insides of this car.To make me more comfy , there was even a mini fridge in the back , which kept a few beer cans chilled in case I became uncontrollably hot in this chilling date.In short an urban creature like me was at home and more , in royalty like this surrounding , but...ummm...were we going for a off road experience or a luxury experience here.
The safari 4 wheel drive , 1984 cc engine , cruising smoothly at 130 kmph experience is good , but as expected its not something that I can write home about , to this ladys distant cousins like the land rover , pajero or prado.
This baby sizzling looks can give her entry to the most exclusive of this citys star clubs and discs. Shes will come with you to an fox hunt , carry along a few sandwiches and a can of beer.But mind you , shes not some one wholl roll in the mud for you.
For a city slicker like me , this baby sizzles.A city drive on this safari was a ride to heaven and back ....and hey! just for your case u wanna buy one like this , be ready to shell out a clear ONE MILLION RUPEES !!
adios friends , take care and drive safe