I always wanted to buy a car for myself instead odf asking the car from parents whenever needed and beg for it .. I had had enough of this nonsense ....
i got my first licsence when I was a kid actually underage.
i also hae been changing my dream car as years past ..it started with zen then lancer and then suv so had to go for the safari it was always a good looking vehicle .. but TATA ka gaadi is tension I bought a second hand one as the brand new dicor was way to expensive 14lacs something .....
i searched all the car dealers and went to all car melas .. discovered that there were not too many second hand good safaris for sale now the key was 2002 ka gaadi hona chahiye the tata funda where the initial models had problems which were improved on the latter models just like the indica and the then the v2
i struck gold or must I say black gold at POPULAR CAR WORLD I found a tata safari black color oct 2002 model the kms driven was false for sure .... it was a 5 seater I was happy with the whole deal 3.69 lacs was the price .... I was impressed when I drove the vehicle .. the feeling of being on top of the world ..... I had to buy this parents opposed the fact it is tooo huge a car tata ka maintainance and all that stuff .
i bought it and I must say I have been a very happy driver it has been just above a month ... and I have driven 8000+ kms .. on this beast .. it doesnt feel like a diesel car in 4th and 5th gear ... it leaves every car behind on the express way the comfort and royality ... I have only spent like 3000/- bucks in servicing and other things including labour ... the car has never given me a problem ... I have driven with family and friends alike and the car demands respect cops dont harass you .. u are indeed treated like a king ... and then yes it suits my personality .... it give me a milage of 7-8 kms per litre but the with the city traffic which car gives u more anyways .... bad roads dont bother me ... and I have my own 26500 system which keeps me company on those long drives alone ... women love u and ur car
unlike what is said tata ka gaadi means maintainance ..... I think if u do it regularly ... it is no different than any other car ... I dont think ill sell this car ever