My customer id is 3000067858. I had requested for one of the Kids channel on 13th-14th May 2011. The channel didnt appear on my TV. I called up customer mentioning my problem and got a response that the dish needs to be re-alligned and the same will be done by the Airtel engineer in next few days and no complaint ID was given to me for the same.
On 25th May 2011 I called customer care and requested a complaint id(Complaint ID 8348018) as no resolution was provided and I was informed by the executive that the issue will be fixed in maximum 5 days time. I followed up the customer care on 29th(Complaint ID 8491625 May 29th 2011)
Till 30th May 2011 the issue remained unresolved and to my surprise I received a message the the resolution is provided to the complaint id 8348018 and the call was closed.
I immediately called up customer care and informed that the issue is still unresolved and received an assurance the resolution will be provided by 4 PM next day. Again there was no one to fix the issue.
On 1st June I talked to a senior executive(Shashank Kumar - Interaction ID 153547875) and conveyed my dissatisfaction for the kind of response I received from an esteemed organisation like Airtel. He assured me that the resolution will be provided by 2nd June 2011.
Till date the issue remains open and I belive that the quality of service of Airtel has dropped considerably.