I would like to share my experience with TATA Sky and the way this company works in case of after sales service. Though the picture quality may be at par with the other operators but the reliability of their services and the equipment supplied by them are definitely horrible.
Before you buy you should understand the followings –
Services are very good for installation of new connection. The engineer turns up right on time but it becomes horrible in case of after sales.
Despite of best handling your set top box can go faulty in a short scan of usage and it can be as short as 4-5 months.
Further if you think that you have bought this set top box and this will remain with you forever, you are wrong. In case if it goes bad, they will replace it with the repaired one which may be an oldest model and badly handled.
More over the replaced set top box will have all the setting done by its previous owner. During repair they even do not bother to clear the settings.
Since the replaced box is an older one, the life of this box will be lesser than your new one. Hence it will give Tata Sky an opportunity to charge the customer as many times the box becomes faulty.
When you call up the call centre there is always a long wait. Once you are connected and complaint is registered, you are assured that engineer will contact you by a specified time but this may not happen.
The response time is maximum 48 hours for the engineer to visit but they never turn up. You are assigned a work order no but the engineer contact no given may not be correct since the database is not updated. You end up calling that no but either someone else picks up the phone or it comes switched off or out of service. I was never given active and correct tele no.
You may end up calling the call centre and they will be repeating the same thing that the engineer will visit on the same date and time mentioned in the SMS. Surprisingly they are not aware about the contents of SMS sent to the customer since it is been sent from back office and there is no synchronisation between them.
They do not believe in replying the queries sent to the using their web site through your login user name.
Moreover it’s a lip service rather a customer service to their satisfaction.
At the end once the job is closed, you will receive an SMS asking for your comment regarding services having options as Y or N. If you send SMS as N, the reply would be ‘Error, Incorrect Message:-N’ which we should always reply as ‘Y’ since their system is not equipped to accept ‘N’.
At the end I would rather advice not to opt for TATA sky for these types of pathetic services where I wasted my 2 holidays just to get my problem rectified.