Going by KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle, If you want some troubles in life, please subscribe for Tata Sky.
You will be greeted well when you approach these "not so customtakeouter oriented people" and then the door opens for trouble. You will be insisted to enter your credit card details to complete the transaction and will be promised an immediate delivery. After this, just keep waiting for call from these guys that will never happen. And when you contact them for the status, the promises continue for days. And finally, you will realize the " biggest mistake you did by opting tata sky"
Cancellation will usually take 10 - 15 days. Be prepared for this too.
Essence: PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM TATA SKY rather choose some other option
My Subscription Details:
Transaction ID: 18477502554 )
Permanant Subscriber ID - 1059245322
First Complaint Number: 18493212989 )
After this, you will never get any resolution.
Full Cancellation No - 18509926736 -
on 5th day of request, I had to finally cancel my new subscription request after undergoing pain.
Give it a try @
Helpline: 66006633