The word SUMO sounds and creats a big image of a big personality human. And Really this vehicle is made only for those peoples. It is not suitable for the poor peoples. If any poor has it then it looks like that a poor has a a elephant as pet. Its Not a poors thing to have.
Offcourse this vehicle is very comfortable and luxrious. Peoples think and say that it is a very expensive vehicle but I dont know why they are saying like this... its a very comfortable car then why u care about its maintanance. Its giving a good avarage. Looking at its bady and all the suspenssions and engine its giving a very very good result. Theres no need to blame the sumo.
What about safety? I know you must be thinking that. I promisse you that if you gonna dash it face to face I am giving you guarrenty of all lifes but am not sure about the peoples if its will get sleep.
Well after all the word SUMO is very big word to think. And every one knows the Unche Log Unchi Pasand. Thats all.