I have been using the Grande for 2 years now. The day after I bought the new car it was back at the workshop for a week for some problem in the fuel lines. The car has spent more time sitting either in my home garage or at the workshop, because of its unreliability and due to constant failures. In 2 years its run 33, 000 kms only. The incompetence of the service center equally insults your intelligence.
My Turbo Charger has failed at 33, 000 kms, I have taken extended warranty, but the item have to be purchased by me because during the 3rd service (which was done at an authorized service center) they forgot to change the fuel filter. Because of the incompetence of the service center the I have to pay 45, 000 for the Turbo + 5000 for other things. Never Never Never ever buy a Tata Sumo Grande. Tata made the car and dropped it into the market and used peoples hard earned money to do R&D on the car and then launched the Mark 2.
I got the car back serviced on June 20. Every issue was sorted out even the issue with the driver side door which I was complaining about for more than an year was fixed. The dealer should have helped me out in the first case itself instead of forcing me to go to Tata motors. I have driven the car for more than 300 kms after receiving it and the issues I had has been resolved