I have been using Tata Sumo Grande Mk 1 from last 1 year, but I must say that its been one of the worst experiences of my life till now. This is my 4th Tata car and I feel its the worst ever product ever released from Tata stable.
I am attaching my letter to Tata representative that will explain more about the product:
With reference to subject line stated above, I would like to bring to your attention once again that the vehicle with above stated registration number that I have purchased in January 2009 has been posing continuous problems to me since the day of purchase.
I have visited Wasan Motors at Kandivali numerous number of times with several problems that should not even occur for a new vehicle. I have been in continuous touch with you and other relevant technicians at Wasan Motors but I feel sorry to say that the condition of my vehicle still continues to be as bad as it was. I dont have any complaints against wasan team as they always hear to my problems but are helpless as the product itself has engineering issues that cannot be rectified till the company comes with something of a better quality.
Below stated are some of the major issues with my vehicle that I have faced till date.
Fender cover on the driver side is loose from the second month of purchase. It vibrates violently and produces very irritating noise on every gear change & acceleration. This problem has been fixed with a temporary solution by Wasan. They have stuck a two-way tape in between the metal piece to stop the noise. I dont think this is acceptable for a new vehicle.
Both the ORVMs are faulty. There is tremendous play in the ORVMs and wasan advisor has given a temporary solution by sticking two-way tapes and other packing materials to reduce the play. I have to always keep the mirrors in open position as the packing material comes out if I try to close the mirrors.
Running Board and roof rusted. Vehicle developed rust within 8 months of purchase inspite of paying extra for full-body anti rust treatment. Rust spots have been fixed for the moment by Wasan, however the solution of scratching and re-painting is not appropriate for a vehicle that has not even completed a year of its life.
Head light broken. Bulb cover inside the Head light fell on ots own and was floating in the light cover before getting replaced by wasan in november.
Mud flaps attached to body with clips. This is ridiculous for a diesel vehicle. Its painful to even think of fixing mud flaps with clips rather than nut bolts. I had to get this bolted as it came out on a long drive and kept touching the tyre till I got it fixed.
Black colour sticker fixed on the body pillars are of such a poor quality that they have already ruptured and have started peeling off on their own. I have noticed this in the 6th month of vehicle life and informed wasan folks accordingly. No action has been taken on this issue till date.
Door hinges and the tin on which these hinges are fixed are of very inferior quality. Second row door produces all sorts of noise while opening, and the hinges and tin actually shake as if it will come out while opening the door. This problem is from day one and continues to be unresolved.
Extremely bad quality of suspensions(both front & rear). Drive quality is very hard and even the slightest problem in surface gets noticed. Vehicle rattles and shakes on normal concrete roads and driving on bad roads is close to impossible.
Wish I had more space to paste the complete letter. I can mail a copy if anyone wants to read. Please stay away from this vehicle as you will end up feeling cheated bcoz Tatas still need to learn the basics of auto manufacturing after these many years of existence. Mahindra or Toyota options are much better. I never thought that I will be writing against Tatas after being such an devoted Tata customer. Trust me people.dont buy this car irrespective of it being mki or mkii