Everyone was telling me to go for AquaGuard, but I decided to go with TATA SWACH as TATA was an Indian Brand. Well I first did had doubts because it was a relatively new product and didnt have any reviews anywhere. But after using it for a few days I am very proud to have bought this product.
It is very easy to use just by pressing the power button in your socket and it starts working on its own. After the Tank is full the indicator blinks and we just switch off the power button. Thats all you have to do. It start it it will fill itself and after that just power it off. The water quality is alos very good. Tap water was brownish while this filter water was crystal clear. It tasted way better.
Now I cant even drink the tap water, and even while gargling, I easily can spot the difference between the tastes.
So summing up I would like to say that guys, this is a very nice water purifier and it uses the SAME TECHNIQUE as all other mineral brands do, RO, UV, Micron Filters and etc.
So if you are planning a UV+RO water Purifier I would say close your eyes and go for it. Its the best and you would love it.