I bought Tata Swach purifier one year back not just because of low price but because of the trust that, the product Tata will offer will be the best in the category.
After one year of ownership I regrets my decision. The story goes like this.
Firstly the tap of the filter was not proper but it was replaced by the shop owner. The first bulb worked only for fifteen days and on 16th day I found it filled with charcoal (Tata Swach customer care called it as nano particles! but it is actually activated carbon). Calling CC was of no use so my last hope was the shopkeeper and he gave the replacement after one week.
This replaced bulb declared its retirement after working for 3 months (our daily consumption is max 6-7 ltr of water). I have no other option but to buy a new bulb.
The third bulb last for 6 months, but this six months were not smooth. After every 3-4 days it used to get chocked and no water purification, you spend 10-15 mins on cleaning to make it work.
The 4th bulb was Rs. 50 costlier than the previous version with 4 colour printed box. While installing I noticed the actual bulb was not sealed (Not the box and plastic bag but the bulb itself), again my shop owner gave the replacement but the funniest part is when I fixed the new bulb and the upper chamber was filled with water, instead of coming through bulb water started dripping from its side and the bottom chamber filled in no time. When I checked the bulb the rubber gasket which makes the upper chamber watertight was oversized and was not fitting in the groove provided.
I removed the gasket from the old bulb and fixed it on the new one and it started working.
It is a good looking product (not the best looking)
Cheap quality bulb
Customer care is very bad (they will listen to you but won’t give you any solution. Even they are not aware of what is written in the user manual).
Still if you want to buy this product
Dont buy it online buy from a trusted shop he is the person who will help you in case of any problem.
When you are buying a new bulb always open and check at the shop itself.
Prepare yourself to spend more time with the bulb than your loved once.
Never consume all the water from the bottom chamber. If you do so in the night by thinking the water from the upper chamber will come in the lower one till morning and you will drink 99% germ free water in the morning, you will find next morning 90% water is in upper chamber only and your bulb has purified only one ltr water in 8 hrs., and you are spending 15 mins for cleaning the bulb in the morning rush hours
These so called MBAs who sits in AC offices are tarnishing the trust that Tatas have gained for so many years by introducing such a bad product.