I made a purchase of tata swach through online payment via its site by paying money advance as internet banking payment on 2nd nov 2011. now after 17 days of waiting I got it delivered, my code of purchase was 02112011-5350, just for the records. as we got the courier, since it was damaged, courier boy wanted to leave as early as possible. we didnt allow him to go and reported that the delivery is broken, fully damaged and we refuse to take it. courier boy didnt accepted refund and told to contact tata swach and we were shocked to know when he told all tata swach coming from ghaziabads address are broken and damaged and its his 4th delivery in 1 month!! anyways I shipment receiving slip we wrote about condition and next moment I made a complaint to toll free number. they gave me a complaint number 62246 and requested to wait for 24 hours as they send complain to higher authorities. I had seen such complains about damaged products on the internet so I made another complaint to tata chemicals email. in night I got an email saying they will contact me in 2 working days to sort out things.
Since they dont work, I was not contacted. There 2 working days didnt came in last 5 days. 24 hours contact by higher authorities is still in air. I made a complaint again on monday 21st nov on toll free number and again was told higher authority will contact me this time 48 hours time frame was given. now as 48 hours finishes, im writing this review. I also wrote complaint on facebook wall which went unnoticed by tata swach team and there was no reply to my message also. right now phone line of toll free is busy but there is no point calling them as theyll again say higher authorities will contact which never happens.
Beware, anyone planning to buy tata swach. Instead buy anything other than tata swach as youll end up in worst customer service and satisfaction. those who trust tata brand are taken for granted. my money is wasted and shipment is lying in in store instead of helping my family and new born to fight against water born diseases. dont buy tata swach as no one will listen to your complain, no toll free, no facebook no email works. ive already asked my lawyer for consumer forum case and he has asked to wait for 15 days before lodging formal complain. till than Ill spread word of truth over the internet so no one is cheated and given damaged product again. beware, say tata to tata!!